All tents and shelters are provided. You will NOT require pocket knives on camp. Please do NOT bring them.

Things to bring

  • Brimmed Hat (not a cap) to be worn at all times.
  • Sunscreen
  • It might be advisable to bring some shoes that can get wet due to recent rain.
  • 1 x small handheld bottle of personal hand sanitiser
  • Covered shoes, joggers, or boots + old pair if you have some
  • Swimming Gear: Swimmers/Board Short, Towel, SunSafe Shirt or T-Shirt (both girls and boys)
  • Mess Kit: Drawstring Plate Bag with Mug, Plate, Bowl, Spoon, Fork, and Knife with a spare washable (cloth) plate bag.
  • Personal Effects: 2 Bath Towels, soap in a soap container, shampoo etc. Toiletries bag to take to the showers
  • 7 sets of clothes: T-Shirts, shorts, underwear, socks
  • Bag for dirty laundry
  • Plain shirt for screen printing (optional)
  • Warm clothes
  • Raincoat
  • Torch with spare batteries
  • Water Bottle and small day pack for activities
  • Bedding: Mattress, Sleeping Bag or Sheets and Blankets etc.
  • Duffel Bag, backpack, or suitcase to hold your personal gear tidy in the tent
Please mark your name on everything!
Rover Scouts and Olave Guides: Please note no private tents are permitted. All tents will be supplied.


Arrive and depart in Scout/Guide Uniform as for normal travel for Scouting/Guiding activities.

For abseiling, you will need a minimum of sleeved shirt that covers your midriff, modest short, and shoes.

A hat, sunscreen, and sleeved shirts are always recommended for day activities. Sunburn is preventable.

Appropriate Clothes

Girls: No low tops, singlet tops, or short shorts. Sun shirts or T-Shirts over bikinis and swimmers for swimming.

Boys: No singlet tops. Sun shirt or T-Shirt for swimming

Warm Clothes

Samford Valley can get really cold at night. Packing a tracksuit and jacket will not be regretted nor will an extra blanket.

Temperatures can get down to single figures


You need to wear covered shoes during camp. Joggers, Hikers, Shoes and Socks are all appropriate.

Wear shoes and socks wherever you go, even to the showers! Thongs inside the shower blocks are ok.


Your medication should already be recorded in your application.

Please register your medication with MASH. The first aid officer in your troop will be issued with all of the medications in a locked box for the troop.

Self-Administered items such as Epi-Pens and Ventolin puffers must still be registered with MASH. You will be responsible to keep them with you.


Bring a bag to hold your laundry for the week to take home. A patrol tent can become a pretty hectic place and you need to keep your own gear tidy and not mixed up with other gear.

The laundry facilities are available for soiled guests’ clothing and bedding only.

Lost Property

There will be a lost property box at the admin tent that you can check if you have lost items during the day. Check with your troop leader first for items within troop lines.

To minimise any loss of valuable items, don’t bring things like iPods, Mobile Phones, DVD players, etc. to camp. There are no facilities to recharge any devices.

Banking and Trading

Admin will provide a banking facility so you can lodge your money there during camp and withdraw when you need any funds.

A small store for souvenirs and some personal items will be available at trading near the Abseiling Tower.

Drinks, chips, and sweets will be for sale at the trading tent near Admin during free time in the afternoon only.