What is Agoonoree?

Agoonoree is an exciting week-long outdoor camping adventure taking place during the September school holidays at Baden-Powell Park in Samford, for members of Scouts and Guides Queensland. What makes Agoonoree special is that alongside our Scouts and Guides, the camp offers children with additional needs from outside the Scouting/Guiding community the chance to experience the joy and excitement of Scouting and Guiding activities. Each year Agoonoree invites approximately 80 “guests” each year to join us for a memorable week. These guests may face various challenges, some guests may not be able to walk or move freely. Some cannot communicate as well as we can or think as easily as others do. Some may be disadvantaged and not have an opportunity to participate in regular scout activities and meetings.

When & Where is Agoonoree 2024?

Saturday 14 – Friday 20 September 2024.

Agoonoree is held at BP Park, 68 Cash Avenue, Samford. Cash Avenue is just off Samford Road and is approximately a 35 min drive North of the Brisbane CBD. Transportation to and from camp is the responsibility of campers.

What will it cost and what does the camp fee include and exclude?

2024 Camp Fees

Under 18 – Scouts & Venturer Scouts$330
Over 18 – Rover Scouts – Scout Leaders$280
Under 18 – Guiding Members (includes GST) **$363
Over 18 – Guiding Members (Includes GST)**$309
Special Diet Fee (if unable to self-manage)* $40

**Unfortunately due to a GST change all Guiding members must now pay a GST on Agoonoree attendance fees.

Included in Camp Fee

  • 7 Day, 6 Night Camp
  • Full Catering (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Supper)
  • All Equipment (BYO personal bedding & Plate Bag)
  • Brown Agoonoree Scarf (1st Year Camper – Returning campers bring theirs back)
  • Souvenir ID Card and Lanyard
  • Agoonoree Year Badge
  • All Program and activities 
  • Campsite Management, First Aid and Welfare, Guest Support & Security Teams

Optional Extras

  • Camp merchandise (Hoodies, Shirts, Hats, Blanket badges, souvenirs etc.)
  • Canteen (open during free time) – cold drinks, snacks, ice creams
  • Special diet levy (Covers additional catering costs for special dietary requirements i.e. Gluten / Diary Free etc)

What should I bring?

The 2024 Agoonoree suggested gear list can be found online on the Agoonoree website under the camper information tab